Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hong Kong

Saturday April 14
We have tried everywhere - at every hotel at which we stayed, and also two Internet Cafes plus every airport, but have been unable to access the webpage at any of them. We are now in HK at the airport hotel, where we have a short sleep and then fly home tomorrow morning. At last we can access the blog in the hotel! It is really disappointing that it has not been possible to post updates and observations as we travelled, but we could not do anything about it. I have made copious notes and jottings along the way of things to share with you all, and promise to post text over the next few days when back in Melbourne. So if you want to catch our impressions and interesting and/or funny experiences and information from our really interesting travels, then check the blog over the next few days. I may need to do this over several days and then finish the entries next weekend when there is some free time. It has been a wonderful trip, and we have much to share with those who are interested.
Love to all, and thanks to those who thought of us and left comments for us to read. It is always good to have contact with home when in strange places so far away.
p.s. Happy Birthday to Donald for today.

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