Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Reagan and Sandras Wedding

Will try to find an internet cafe in Beijing and start describing what we think will be a fascinating adventure in the two short weeks we have available.The photo here shows the Bride and the Groom at the end of a wonderful day last Saturdayand also during the ceremony. They are now in Siagon , recuperating. They may get a gig in Vietnam !!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Brian and Judy,
Just after I left you I heard on the news that "they" were implementing the new restrictions for airport departures, was it a problem for you? Hope not.
Hope you managed to get some sleep on the flight. I had a great run home, no problems and the fire and wine were ready!!
Have a great trip, love Max and Russ and Elly.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Judy & Brian

Wonderful: the first phase of your trip has ALREADY ended - well it went quickly for us - I'm sure that your flight was nice and restful with plenty of sleep?? I guess you are both as bright as little buttons and feeling refreshed and ready for the second phase - the tour. Brian, thanks for the white wine!!!! Outside lights at No 1 are off, and all is well in the court. Enjoy the tour....Bob & Daria.